Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Thu 25 Apr 2013 - 20:29
djordje29 wrote:
Nije niko ništa rekao ali zaključak je takav, igra mi krešira jer imam slabu mašinu, a najbolje rešenje mi je da kupim ssd disk, mislim, to da kupim samo zbog moda, malo je preambicijozno. Sačekaću ja malo, možda se pojavi neka ozbiljna zakrpa koja će to malo da pegla.
Imaš dovoljno jak kompjuter za StalkerSoup!, a prema onom što ja imam.. uh.. imaš dosta jači kompjuter!. A tek kad bi saznao kakvog ima naš član Sunday... ima tek 3Gb Ram memorije a došao je skoro do kraja StalkerSoup-a - samo mu fali (ili mu je falilo do završetka) da odradi Dead City, koji je na samom kraju "Narodnaya Solyanka misija" (StalkerSoup ima i Collector)! Tako da nije ništa strašno, a StalkerSoup če da se usavršava!
Inače SSD drive ti je od pomoči samo za one dijelove u kojima se ti slika samrzne na dijeliče sekundi(jer je kod njega dosta brže učitavanje podataka u i izvan njega, nego na običnom HDD) a to ne rješava probleme koji su vezani sa memorijom! - Taj dio se treba optimizovati u StalkerSoup-u!
Ps. Taj problem bi odma bio rešen sa "XR_3DA.exe 64Bit"
Uhh.. tako dugo pišem post, da ste me malo pretekli!
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Thu 25 Apr 2013 - 21:25
StalkerSumadinac wrote:
jedini problem je to seckanje kada povećam rezoluciju zbog menija.
Gledaj ove fotke:
Kako si vidio na toj rezuluciji sve dobro radi u meniju!
Skini ovaj moj user.ltx fajl i testiraj.
djordje29 Veteran
Broj poruka : 339 Datum upisa : 2011-07-13 Godina : 44 Lokacija : Na ivici smisla! Raspoloženje : Rock 'n' Roll
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Thu 25 Apr 2013 - 22:39
Imam ja jači komp ali kako ti nemaš tih problema na slabijoj mašini, jel igraš na HD rezoluciji?
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Thu 25 Apr 2013 - 23:07
djordje29 wrote:
Imam ja jači komp ali kako ti nemaš tih problema na slabijoj mašini, jel igraš na HD rezoluciji?
Ja uvijek igram na 1920x1080 zbog mog monitora! i nisam rekao da nemam problema, s čas na čas mi igra puca zbog memorije! - Kad ti se igra krešira i posle toga sa ponovnim startom možeš normalno igrati, vidiš tada nije problem u fajlovima(skripte) nego u natoloženim fajlovima(podacima) u memoriji! Nešto više sam objasnio u postu na stranici prije ove.
Kad sam igrao Narodnayu, imao sam takav kreš na svakih(okolo) pola sata! StalkerSoup dosta bolje radi po tom pitanju a uz to ima mnogo više fajlova nego Narodnaya!
StalkerSumadinac Experienced
Broj poruka : 176 Datum upisa : 2013-02-20 Godina : 42 Lokacija : ZonaSumadija Raspoloženje : Brz na okidacu...
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 0:17
Saad brate stalekru sad je sve extra sa ovim tvojim ltx fajlom,nema čak ni secanja ni zamrzavanja,sve radi kao doksa . Samo nisam imao pojma koliko je težak mod,na prvih sto metara sam poginuo već tri puta Hvala na pomoći
flexerca Administrator
Broj poruka : 340 Datum upisa : 2012-03-02 Godina : 45 Lokacija : Cazin, BiH Raspoloženje : Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 0:55
Mod je odličan, bar meni ali i za sve one koje stvarno žele upoznati Zonu. Tu nema izigravanja Ramba, već pazi na svaki korak i svaki šum, pregledaj svaki kutak jer svašta možeš naći gdje i kada se ne nadaš. Ja sam prestao sa igranjem SS zbog testiranja i ispravljanja texta za SoC i CS, al već sam pri kraju i jedva čekam da se ponovo vratim u SS Zonu jer me stvarno, al' stvarno zove.
StalkerSumadinac Experienced
Broj poruka : 176 Datum upisa : 2013-02-20 Godina : 42 Lokacija : ZonaSumadija Raspoloženje : Brz na okidacu...
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 1:00
Teško je biti stalker i pritom porodični čovek zar ne flexa hahahahhaa?Ako nas isteraju iz kuće uvek nam ostaje ova SS Zona da tu knjavamo negde pod kamenom.E sad pitanje:el ima neka fora za neuništivost kod SS kada mi dođe da samo krstarim Zonom a ne da zaležem i da se šunjam po budžacima?Verovatno ste se već i toga dosteili zar ne momci
MarkedOne8 Pro Spammer
Broj poruka : 956 Datum upisa : 2010-07-04 Lokacija : Vršac Raspoloženje : XD
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 1:01
Stalkeri, SSD-ovi su jeftiniji nego ikada. Imate dobu Kingston 3K seriju za manje od 100 eura i to 120GB verzija.
Šumadinac, možeš da skineš Stalker SoC trainera. To ti je cheat. Imaš neograničenu municiju, helte, armor...
djordje29 Veteran
Broj poruka : 339 Datum upisa : 2011-07-13 Godina : 44 Lokacija : Na ivici smisla! Raspoloženje : Rock 'n' Roll
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 6:54
Šumadinac, pobijaš ih sve na toj mapi na kojoj si i onda fino kreneš u razgledanje, tako ja radim.
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 9:35
MarkedOne8 wrote:
Šumadinac, možeš da skineš Stalker SoC trainera. To ti je cheat. Imaš neograničenu municiju, helte, armor...
Za sada nije najbolje da se dodavaju razni "dodaci" u StalkerSoup!, jer je SS. još u beta testu. Ali ima u options folderu folder za "god mode" - taj je tamo zbog testiranja i nije preporučivo da se odigra cijelu igru sa njim (samo dijelove igre koje ne možeš preći)
PoWeR Master
Broj poruka : 546 Datum upisa : 2011-07-19 Godina : 29 Raspoloženje : OK
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 14:01
KOlko SS moze da iskoristi ram memorije? Jer ja imam 8gb
StalkerSumadinac Experienced
Broj poruka : 176 Datum upisa : 2013-02-20 Godina : 42 Lokacija : ZonaSumadija Raspoloženje : Brz na okidacu...
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 22:04
Ja imam samo 4gb PoWeR a sa ovim Saad-ovim user ltx fajlom mi sada radi nenormalno dobro,počeo sam igru pre dva sata i nijednom mi nije kreširala miti zasecala samo par purta malko smrzne ma koju stotinku....nebitno....Radi super. Marked one8: Treiner ne radi uz mod,bar kod mene,automatski se zaledi monitor kod učitavanja igre,ali zato God mod radi vrh nemam reči.
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 26 Apr 2013 - 22:05
PoWeR wrote:
KOlko SS moze da iskoristi ram memorije? Jer ja imam 8gb
Ako bi bio stalker pravljen na 64Bit platformi, sigurno bih mogao da "pojede" svu tvoju Ram memoriju pa i više!... Ali pošto je samo na 32Bit, ja mislim da može maksimalno iskoristiti oko 3400Mb i kusur!.
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Sun 28 Apr 2013 - 15:08
Mali update
Quote :
Fixed the wharehouses and all the other no spawns that were needed for quests. A table was used to contain the translation from the old idle spawn times to the new ones. Unfortunately the designer failed to insure that LUA always interpreted it as a number, not a string. This caused them to be given a nil value in a variable that was always expected by the smart terrain during spawn registration. When it hit the nil value it would fail out of the motivator and often cause an error but mostly just failed to register the character. ALL the other innovations that I have been mentioning are in and working extremely well. Those characters/creatures that I don't want to spawn until the actor reaches a certain level or completes certain quests is working just the way I want it. Now when you attack the Carpark for the first time only the bandits required for that quest will spawn. The exo bandits won't spawn until you return from DV, rail embankment soldiers too.
So now that that is finaly resolved I can finish cleanup and testing and get 109930 posted.
By the way... I worked a very long time on fixing the logic for rats, cats, cockroaches, wolves and soon more... if you looked at the modders script a little bit more you might find some settings if you really don't want them. I have been fixing all the settings for immunities, damages, criticals and conditions to get all the alife balanced and also perfect some of the ai regarding their interaction. A game always has these type of creatures to try and waist your ammo or stall you while something else is brewing...
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Tue 30 Apr 2013 - 21:53
Ako če sve iči kako treba, mogla bi več sutra stiči nova zakrpa...
Quote :
Update All is good in Zone Land...
Military was fully populated, barrier guards, all the npc on the base and Skull's group works.
I still do not have the sniper kill zone back in as it still causes Skull's group to attack the wall...
Many cstacks are gone for good, a few exist that I suspect are xr combat related and am trying to isolate them. Zombied npc seem to have the most problem and it could be that their isn't enough stack when they iterate through the xr combat zombied script.
Will be testing more today and will post tomorrow...
flexerca Administrator
Broj poruka : 340 Datum upisa : 2012-03-02 Godina : 45 Lokacija : Cazin, BiH Raspoloženje : Ash nazg durbatulûk, ash nazg gimbatul, ash nazg thrakatulûk agh burzum-ishi krimpatul.
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Tue 30 Apr 2013 - 23:03
Military Wharehouses prave puno problema
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Wed 1 May 2013 - 13:03
flexerca wrote:
Military Wharehouses prave puno problema
Da.. pošto je sa novim "respawn" sistemom došlo do mnogih promjena u "spawn-u" likova te mutanta u Military Wharehouses ( i ostalim dijelovima StalkerSoup-a)!, pa je zbog toga bio problem kod "Kill Duty on farm" zadatka i nekih drugih.. - Prije tog novog sistema je tu ulogu imao "backpack restrictor", koji je sada posve uklonjen.
Tek sam juče uveče završio sa provjerbom svih fajlova u StalkerSoup config folderu naspram: - dupliranih sekcija - nepopunjenih sekcija, kao - "discovery_dependency = " i slično.. - preostalih ruskih slova - i pretragom za gramatičke-im i sintaktičke-im greškama. Mada neke od tih grešaka X-Ray jednostavno "pojede", ali stvaraju dosta veliki talog - to jest, zauzimaju odvišan prostor u memoriji! Nadam se, da če sada StalkerSoup još malo ubrzati u učitavanju pa i u samoj igri
djordje29 Veteran
Broj poruka : 339 Datum upisa : 2011-07-13 Godina : 44 Lokacija : Na ivici smisla! Raspoloženje : Rock 'n' Roll
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Thu 2 May 2013 - 19:19
sadd wrote:
Mada neke od tih grešaka X-Ray jednostavno "pojede", ali stvaraju dosta veliki talog - to jest, zauzimaju odvišan prostor u memoriji!
Da to znači da će moj problem sa memorijom biti rešen?
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Thu 2 May 2013 - 19:28
djordje29 wrote:
Da to znači da će moj problem sa memorijom biti rešen?
Tvoj pa i neki drugi problemi bit če riješeni kad se usavrši skripta koja vreba na suvišne stvari u igri/memoriji!
i update
Quote :
Heavy snows yesterday caused an interruption in work, back to it now...
Creatures of the night started in 109920 and is being expanded each patch. Burers, special 'vapor polters' and werewolves so far.
The ESC R is going to be structured to connect a special scheme that will make the creature/npc a 'spawn bot' which then waits for your commands/script. This is part of the 'walk and spawn' system for creating dynamic content in game that can be shared over the 'live link' multiplayer system.
I am really enjoying the new patch, I discovered a flaw in the conditions system in xr logic that was the cause of staggers when called without a spawner section. My new cslid attacher is also working super well for alife, now it will need to be expanded to support usable objects. This will fix items that don't function when they should or are inanimate like the weapons on the ground where the drunks are.
Load times are now around 30 seconds and that includes the integrated population control and level cleaner.
PoWeR Master
Broj poruka : 546 Datum upisa : 2011-07-19 Godina : 29 Raspoloženje : OK
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Thu 2 May 2013 - 19:59
30 sekudi? Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay
djordje29 Veteran
Broj poruka : 339 Datum upisa : 2011-07-13 Godina : 44 Lokacija : Na ivici smisla! Raspoloženje : Rock 'n' Roll
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Thu 2 May 2013 - 20:18
Nemoj se ljutiti
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Thu 2 May 2013 - 20:49
@djordje29 Od 109924 verzije je bilo naknadno dodato nekoliko skripti koje prate igru, pa se je tada vreme učitavanja malo produžilo! A vreme učitavanja se malo produžuje sa napredkom u igri
djordje29 Veteran
Broj poruka : 339 Datum upisa : 2011-07-13 Godina : 44 Lokacija : Na ivici smisla! Raspoloženje : Rock 'n' Roll
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Thu 2 May 2013 - 22:24
Znam, nego sam hteo malo da se glupiram, mislo sam da će vam promaći koja je verzija.
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 3 May 2013 - 11:53
Novi update
Quote :
30 sec on an ssd
several recipies did not exist and were blocked including 2 important ones. they were not in the dmx 134/135 versions of the amk_mod and I could not find them on the net. That was a year ago so if anyone knows about them, I need them.
There is a monumental change in the way that the database and saves are handled which makes trying to fix old saves futile...
They will still load and work but new features that reduce load times and prevents more cstacks will not work right. your experiences will vary but for sure it will have issues, they can be resolved with proper info manipulation in most cases but that will be your problem.
redid xr spawner today to support my spawn control system, be ready and don't start out in moderate or hardcore alife as it can be overwelming at first. A cool feature for modders is a hook file that if exists in the gamedata folder is added to the respawns as if it had existed in the all.spawn, including conditions and probabilities. I use my 'surrobots' to create your character/creature and assign it your conditions and scripting. I am providing an app that reads the .log file and extracts the 'walk and spawn' data then allows you to create or attach your conditions and storyboard...
You won't beleive how close this actually is, 109930 means that the spawns/respawns are as best as they can be (all.spawn has some bad stuff still) and those few quests/stories that need fixing/improving/completing will be the focus (many fixed this patch).
I am excited about this patch and can't wait to release it but I want to make real sure I have the update package just right. soon, soon, soon!
Quote :
30 sec on an ssd
To znači učitavanje StalkerSoup-a sa glavnog menu-ja, a ne posle smrti - jer je učitavanje posle smrti još mnogo brže...
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Sun 5 May 2013 - 18:20
Izašla je nova zakrpa - TB3D_NS_DBPatch_109930 u toku dana stavit ču ju i u StalkerSoup-BalkanZona folder i na "Mega"!
i još obrazloženje nove zakrpe
109930 Remember that you have to update your gamedata folder by removing all prepatch fixes and also using the 109930 bare gamedata files.
Also note that the arc_radiation.script file no longer is in the god mode folders. It is now a fixed script and you can make the radiation 'god mode' by setting the radiation factor to 0 in the modders script.
looting options folder is also gone as the death items are no longer used.
Lastly the unterm files have changed to support the new damages/criticals/immunities structure.
Now that the new systems are out and working I am hoping that dAVROs is able to find the time to adjust the unterm mod and also tweak some of the rest of them.
Load out system will get a description on my web site soon so that others can start playing with them and submit suggested improvements/additions.
I recommend the use of the x3 grass renderers set to 50% with my bin folder as that has been the most stable while still looking good.
Unique PDA duplicates: I have started to establish the 'live-link' PDA system and you will see an issue in game due to it. You will start getting duplicates of the same character, they won't be usable as npc pda devices but you can sell them and offer them to some commanders for rewards. Soon these will have important data, be quest items or maybe even be boobytrapped with a virus...
Also be wary about information, it may be worth pursuing or it could be a trap... never know in the zone...
i novog sistema radiacije
Radiation I think that you are seeing it work right for the first time...
tried the new settings against the old and found that the old would not build rads when you had 33% protection and the art has -85% which means you should see the bar climb.
the changes to the arc_radiation.script were in response to many complaints that it was not working right.
I kept working on it until I found it neccesary to use the box and find protective arts early as well as gloves.
My strategy for the cave was to get the art where nimble sleeps right away and put it on my belt (-3 rads). Then I have more time before the bar starts climbing, equip the suit and arts BEFORE picking up the other art then equip it fast as it is highly radioactive... I keep doing it and it seems difficult (should be) but acheivable each time. Have needed an anti-rad now and then.
It is possible that the balance between arts and protection was never really right in the first place. Not sure but I think the high minimum limit may have been a compensation.
Please let me know how you think it should be as I am going by reality and the bar should jump and also 100% would mean you are nothing but dust so you should die before 100% anyway.
This can be a good topic for fine tuning the arts, protection and zones, I'm all ears...
Edit: Malo sam testirao novu zakrpu i moram da potvrdim, da je sada StalkerSoup barem 3 puta brži kod mene!, ali ta promijena sistema radijacije nije još dovršena i kada si ozračen onda se dosta teško oslobodiš tog zračenja, ustvari samo ti antirad pilule skidaju svu zračenje sa tebe!
nešto malo u loadout-u
Load Outs You will see more variation in weapons used by npc but it is kept within certain ranges.
Works like this: If npc on spawn has a weapon (key/special character) then he is skipped. I thus created the generic character inventories to not contain weapons so they get new load outs.
The load outs are organized with a simple and QUICK method: A filepath is created based on level/comm/rank/load out file
The load out files are 1 thru 5 and are selected based on rank koeff and probability koeff. Files 1,2 are lowest and 4,5 are highest combination in each group.
Each load out file has a primary and secondary weapon with matching ammo. Then there are up to 10 prob/rand items that can be given based on the loot option in modders script.
An interesting note is that if you give a better weapon in the prob/rand items list then it will replace the primary/secondary assignment as applicable. This means that you can add weapons that MIGHT be given if your rank/level is high as this effects the probabilities.
I have added 552 and other weapons in that catagory to some of those that normaly get AKs. Vintorez will also show up as your rank increases.
Another thing that you can consider in combat now: When an enemy drops a weapon it's condition will NOT be 100% except in very rare cases. If you wound him and he falls to the ground wounded then there is a good chance that he holstered his weapon before falling. This gives you a 50/50 chance of getting a weapon at 100% condition from his inventory. Be quick though as they can heal themselves with medkits or even fake being wounded/dead.
I also turned on effector bloodsucker spawn in the modders script, it seems to have an issue with respawning multiple times so you may want to set it back to false.
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Sun 5 May 2013 - 20:04
Važno!!! Za sada je za rešenje radijacije treba staviti taj gamedata folder iz ovog - TB3D_Prepatch_fix_109930_1 fajla u SoC folder
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Mon 6 May 2013 - 23:35
Objašnjenje greške oko radijacije
Quote :
Radiation OK MY BAD.....
I spaced out on this one for sure...
When I added the radiation_factor to the options I made a mistake in the delta assignment back to the player and compounded it by mistake...
Quote :
Flickering Monsters Problem was in the xr_spawner, surprise creatures were getting stuck in a respawn loop due to an error in the hardcore alife option.
109930_2 is in the prepatch fixes, does not effect saves so keep on playing.
a ovdje je i taj poslednji fix - TB3D_Prepatch_fix_109930_2.7z Sve su zakrpe isto tako u StalkerSoup-BalkanZona Dropbox folderu!, jedino još nisam sredio sa Mega..
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Thu 9 May 2013 - 20:37
Update iz StalkerSoup zone
Quote :
There is an issue with unterm that has some npc (I think killers) that are immortal and shouldn't be. They are using the description from one of the key character descriptions, dAVROs is checking it for us.
I have been playing with perceptions and finding out some really interesting stuff: AMK, LURK, OGSE and other mods dissable most of the perceptions that make this game awsome... I suspect that that was the only way they could keep the npc stable but it makes the game more like an FPS and not very realistic.
The reason that so many npc ignore creatures even when attacked has to do with this: 0.0 in the ignore monster threshold and panic threshold making them stand there and do nothing. I am establishing a combination of traits that really get reactions from all npc, challenge is to keep them where they need to be for quests. Many of the new quests are piggybacked on existing restrictors which is another problem, if you complete the quest the restrictor is attached to then the restrictor is removed and the other npc will now roam free. A good example of this is in Cordon; the carpark assault group is held there by the dogs/boars restrictor at the viaduct. If you go and kill all the dogs and boars before you go to the cave then when you return from the cave the carpark assualt will be over as soon as you get the quest from sid. Kalmyak and others are also effected by this problem, still determining what restrictors they are attached to. I am going to create new restrictors for these locations so this will stop happening.
The fix I will post today will contain a few fixes and new settings for perceptions that are working much better, not perfect yet but with feedback I should get them honed in quickly.
There are some quests still not working that I am also addressing but some of these are really messed up or crossed with other quests and will take some time to rework.
Will give another update before it is posted
PoWeR Master
Broj poruka : 546 Datum upisa : 2011-07-19 Godina : 29 Raspoloženje : OK
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Thu 9 May 2013 - 21:06
NPCovi znaju ignorirati i anomalije....
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 10 May 2013 - 0:57
PoWeR wrote:
NPCovi znaju ignorirati i anomalije....
I ne samo to!.. Update_2
Quote :
Combat ignore is a bunch of...
I am getting things working but what a pain...
to get npc to react to creatures when they are close or attacking takes some real fine tuning. It just isn't very realistic to see a bloodsucker attack a guard and the guard just stands there, problem is that it is real easy to have quests dissrupted. I used the carpark for a test, if I leave the enemy thresholds at 0.0 like they are now then everything is fine. If I use values like OGSE then everything goes nuts, attackers start immediately and the bandits run away...
I now have the thresholds at 0.0001 and what a difference, the attackers stay put unless a dog runs right through them, then they attack it and go sit back down and wait. I can attack the carpark and the attackers stay put, if I run back toward the hill and the bandits chase me then the attackers come to my aid. If I can shoot a bandit in the arm twice and make him drop both weapons then he will run away but only for cover and then look for a new weapon. I have yet to have a permanent runaway bandit like we used to have.
I am also working on perceptions so that your visibility and ability to sneak are improved.
PoWeR Master
Broj poruka : 546 Datum upisa : 2011-07-19 Godina : 29 Raspoloženje : OK
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 10 May 2013 - 10:51
Quote :
I am also working on perceptions so that your visibility and ability to sneak are improved.
Sjajne vesti , to je stalkeru nedostajalo!!!
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Sun 12 May 2013 - 12:31
Posle kraćeg odsustva nešto "malo" iz StalkerSoup zone
This is agravating...
I am pulling my hair out over the wharehouses again...
There is something that happens in Yantar that kills the barrier and guard respawns, even the trigger to help protect the barrier fails...
I also found a bug with LeHavre, there is an item 'binocular_a' that is spawned by the all.spawn that does not work and looks like a flashlight. This item is being used as a quest item 'bag-o-weed' and should not spawn, it causes a crash when in your inventory when you talk to LeHavre after the poison. I have put it in the fixer so it gets removed on actor spawn.
The wharehouses is suffering from some kind of info portion condition, I am trying to isolate the exact one now.
I did a test where I jump straight to the wharehouses after the carpark and all the npc are there and the trigger works so it definately is something that happens during the playthrough.
I am seeing the respawns happening in garbage and elsewhere which is also strange that some of you aren't getting them.
Carpark bandits and the railway embankment soldiers respawned on que after the return from DV and they are the most difficult to control so I know it is working.
Back at it, will keep you updated... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Update 2 You are gonna hate me for this...
Just before I posted the patch I added the alife options to the respawner. I did something I usually frown upon, I copy/pasted from the online update to the offline update after adding the code to the online update...
This was just stupid of me as it also put the spawn once condition (-1) into the offline check.
What this did was to not spawn them on game start but set their spawn once condition to true. Thus when it is time for them to go online the respawner thinks they already are spawned and skips them.
I am not able to find a way to fix it in existing saves without checking for every one of them individually which is not pheasable.
You will have to start over to get it working right, I am REALLY SORRY for this mistake...
I also made a non-critical mistake in merging the torrent patch so I am going to post MMPatch 109931 to fix them.
This will be the last time a new start will be needed I promise, it was one of those 'assume' situations if you know what I mean.
Update 3 The torrent version is posted on ModDB, only thing I could ever get posted, takes sooooo long...
I have already placed it in the LEGACY folder which should clue most people in right away...
Respawns are not working because I broke the code.
Emabnkment soldiers are respawns as most everything is, this is part of the complication for me. Many main characters/groups have identical respawns, I delete them from the game on start using my fixer, then I catch and modify the respawn data and add a condition that they do not respond until after DV docs is done. The carpark additional bandits do not respawn until after the carpark quest is done. I do this as the carpark extra bandits made it too difficult and it was too easy to loose one of the quest bandits, the embankment soldiers would kill the boars and then attack Fox's group which I also reduced as they killed all the dogs and would heal Fox before you could.
Unfortunately a new game is the only way to fix it when I post 109931 but there are some other fixes and improvements that will sweeten the pot...
I am testing some tweaks from dAVROs and then will post the patch.
I nekoliko informacija u posve novom "Inventory" sistemu
Load Outs
I was looking at the expanded load outs and there is a problem:
These are load outs not looting, they only are used on spawn to balance combat, looting is done by the death manager on npc death.
Also the extras are for weapon addons, the inventory files are for misc items so now too much stuff occurs.
Also having all ten extras in all files means much slower loading times.
Another problem encountered is having items that were not meant to be available to the npc, during combat npc will heal themselves with items. This causes the shot him several times and he gets back up syndrome as he is using meds.
The idea is that load out extras are for weapon addons, grenades and extra ammo types and not for meds and food which are the regular inventory files as well as the death drop loot spawner.
Care must also be taken to not interfere with quest items, this includes binos and certain weapons and ammo.
It's cool that they were done and I guess some might like it but it really destroys the scarcity intended at start and my inventory is way to large even before I even make it to the bar... sorta defeats the scarce trader settings you start with and kills the need to do quests to improve their goods.
The Zone needs to be tough, especially at first, items are supposed to be a bit scarce although if one looks there is alot in Cordon...
Another thing about the load outs is that if you put a weapon that is better than the primary or secondary in the extras then if it spawns (probabilities) it will be chosen for use by the npc during combat thus allowing for a tercery weapon variation.
It is a totally new system never before in soc so I should have posted info about it but this respawn fix has kept me busy.
The main reason for these files is to balance weaponry in battles and factions. An editor is in the works that should make this even easier to do. Also the extras are based on probabilities which allows an npc to have a better weapon once in awhile.
There was alot of criticsm about the lack of variety, I think that this system solves that as there are 5x25 combinations per faction/per level... ........................................................................................................................................................................................................
Loot For those who wish to help with loot:
First the inventory files, the generic could use more variety in them but they must never have a weapon in them as that is how load outs are triggered.
death_manager.script, there is a section in the on_death callback that removes the old soc pdas that are in the all.spawn and then spawns a mil_pda 20% of the time based on probabilities.
If a corpse has less than loot_option items then a random group of items will get added based on probabilities.
this list of groups could be expanded.
coolkingeye Moderator
Broj poruka : 100 Datum upisa : 2013-01-06 Godina : 51 Lokacija : Serbia Raspoloženje : boredom = freedom
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Sun 12 May 2013 - 16:34
Jel' to znači da treba da krenemo iz početka?
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Nije potrebno Sun 12 May 2013 - 17:01
coolkingeye wrote:
Jel' to znači da treba da krenemo iz početka?
To bi trebalo samo ako bi htio da ti "respawn" sistem radi kako treba!.
sadd Administrator
Broj poruka : 928 Datum upisa : 2012-01-31 Godina : 54 Lokacija : Slovenija
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 17 May 2013 - 16:59
Stigla je nova zakrpa za StalkerSoup
109931 Patch is up, new game required or most new content as well as respawns will not work did not get to the arena problem yet, will work on it next
Patch Now that the patch is up I will start updating my site with information about this patch and the special systems that have been created.
There was a BIG flaw in the way the respawners were working and the save files have always been bad, just were failing to load in the past. Then 1099 changed the way it was saving the data to prevent the crashes, this uncovered the packet corruption. I built fixes for old saves but it has finaly gotten out of hand.
A new game is the only way that the respawns will be correct. There is also new content that will only exist if you start new.
now I start work on the Collector as my main focus, I will still fix the remaining issues in stalker but now the two are the same so it's time.
my first task is to finaly get the info portions correct for the collector start so that all NS is complete and does not interfere. At the start of the collector the actor should only have my dynamic content along with dAVROs Collector treasure hunt and killers. I am taking portions from mods that you have suggested/submitted for content/ideas. I now have a few talented people submitting quality work to help clean things up, release is now nearing... thanks to all!
Weather pack: I need to update it as it breaks the weather system and also causes crashes in some levels with fixed weather.
I have updates for texture packs to post soon as well. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Svi linkovi za zakrpe su na ovoj temi - StalkerSoup-instalacija i upute I sada se može skroz ovaj link - StalkerSoup( doći do cijelog foldera StalkerSoup na Mega!
Edit: - Update
Update For those who like the hardcore settings:
I forgot to replace the default actor settings from game mode to hardcore mode.
Just use the hardcore option from the god mode options to get the lower weight and hardcore immunities.
The Collector is an integrated part of the mod, not to be confused with the treasure hunt by dAVROs which is part of it.
I have to work on the Collector now as there are info portions that need to be given and some taken away to complete the start. There will be a change in the start point of The Collector and some of the NS which is incomplete or just crap. The mod is dependent on getting it solid. I cannot finish some of Dead City and Agroprom without first completing the info portions and adding a few more code adjustments. I have already had to complete several other missions/stories that were left incomplete or were just insta-hacked into NS at the end.
ARENA: The problem there is that the changeover from arnie to the expanded arena needs a new character for the dialogs. The way it was designed conflicts with the dialog system and when you are supposed to receive your reward it tries to use arnie's dialogs instead of the new ones. Should be able to rewrite that section in a few days so all fights work properly.
LeHavre: Turns out that the 'bag of weed' is the big culprit in Wharehouses, it appears in your inventory as binos but they do not attach. Binoc_a is the old binos that are not used anymore, whoever created the weed quest did not do it right. They used the binoc_a as the base to attach the weed to, didn't do it right so it crashes the game. I have fixed it and also modified LeHavre so that he does not take all your items but only the quest items. The freeze/ctd was happening as your inventory is being moved at the same time as the effects and this causes the inventory system to fail.
Restrictors: The wharehouse restrictor issue is also fixed, there were npc attached to the restrictor that takes the fee for your pda when you enter the base. If the NPC were offline at the time then CTD which is almost always the case as one of them is at the farmhouse.
I am also working on the new all.spawn and game graph which will open the other levels as well as add a couple more to complete the first and second 'level-ups' for the game.
The dialogs will also start getting cleaned up and properly translated as well as modified where needed.
As Always STALKER... your mission is to send feedback and bugs to help get this OUT OF BETA... I cannot thank you enough!!!!
Last edited by sadd on Fri 17 May 2013 - 17:14; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Dodan jedan update)
djordje29 Veteran
Broj poruka : 339 Datum upisa : 2011-07-13 Godina : 44 Lokacija : Na ivici smisla! Raspoloženje : Rock 'n' Roll
Subject: Re: STALKERSOUP Mod za SoC Fri 17 May 2013 - 20:36
Ovo još nisam doživeo!! STALKER SOUP se sam deinstalirao i to kompletno, ništa nije ostalo ama baš ništa!